Oh my. There are so many things I want to make. Christmas baking aside, I have recieved PapaTofu and Don't Eat Off the Sidewalk 2 and Veganomicon and I want to make new burgers and...
There are so many choices, that I am overwhelmed! I am determined to make at least 2 different burgers before the weekend is over and I want to try at least one recipe from each of the above three books. Since it is Thursday already, I'd better get to cooking!
I know the feeling - it took me THREE WEEKS after receiving my copy of Veganomicon in the mail, to FINALLY decide on which recipe to attempt first. I'm happy to report that the first recipe that I chose to make was a winner :0)
Good luck in making your decision on what to make first!
I can't wait to see what you make next. It can be kind of over-whelming with so many delicious looking recipes to choose from. I've made 2 recipes so far from Veganomicon, the chocolate walnut cookies (without the walnuts) and the lower-fat chocolate bundt cake (wow, I think there might be a pattern here). Both were awesome.
I hear you! I have too many cookbooks & not enough time!
I KNOW that feeling! I want to bake gingerbread men, cook Mexican, Italian and Chinese, plus your burgers, plus make some fancy Christmas treats!!
I'm on the lookout for Veganomicon. Can I get it at bookstores?
And I'm waiting to get home to use Cozy Inside back home!
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