Friday, November 30, 2007

The Last VeganMoFo Entry...

...sad but true. The Vegan Month of Food has come to an end. An era passed. A time gone by. Actually, I am quite relieved. The guilt I was feeling when I missed a post was killing me.

I will end this post with a picture of a burger inspired by one of my testers, Liz. She was at a restaraunt and had a burger she really liked. She described it and asked if I could recreate it. Hopefully this will satisfy her needs. I call it the Fire Roasted Red Pepper Burger.

Here's the fire rosted red pepper getting fire roasted:


Anonymous said...

That looks exactly like the one I had! Can't wait to try it!

Angela said...

How can I get the recipe to that? It looks delicious!

Nicole said...

Red Hot chilli peppers would be prr-roud, and that looks delicious!

Melisser; the Urban Housewife said...

Oooh, I need to make these! I made your black bean burgers tonight!

Ashasarala said...

That burger looks unbelievably satisfying. But I never knew it was a good idea to put a vegetable directly over an open flame. I wouldn't trust myself to do that. I'm probably walk away and forget about it... :-/

Unknown said...

Pretty super, aren't they I imply, sure, you may snack on them, or even throw them on top of a salad. but, we wanted to proportion how nuts will be used because the superstar of the meal no longer as an afterthought. I'm working at Out of Home Advertising in Patna This e-book ought to be out in early 2016 and i can make sure to share with you as quickly as it is available for prerecord.

2012 Copyright/Permissions/Disclaimers

All recipes written by me, Joni Marie Newman, unless otherwise noted. Please feel free to refer to or link back to any of my recipes, but please ask for permission, and remember to give credit when reprinting recipes in their entirety. I do provide links to affiliate programs (such as Amazon) in which I receive a small commission for items purchased. I do not provide paid reviews. All reviews done on products or books are of my own unsolicited opinion. On occasion I may receive a book or product to review. I will note when this is the case, but rest assured, it will not affect the authenticity of my review. Thanks!--Joni