Tuesday, August 28, 2007

All American Burger (add cheeze for an All American Cheezeburger!)

Plain old burger. Stands up to the grill with the best of his meaty cousins. And with 46.4 grams of protein per patty, you might even get your atkins loving, meat eating friends to try it!

AllAmerican Burger from the Best Veggie Burgers on the Planet (page 82)


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

looks positively mouth-watering!! glad to hear that the patties stay formed, while on the grill

Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said...

Your burgers are killing me! They all look so good! I can't wait until the recipes come out! If you happen to have any more recipes that need to be tested, let me know, I would love to try a few!

Joni Marie Newman said...

Thanks Sarena. I think I have enough testers now, but thanks for offering. I will continue to post a few recipes here and there to keep everyone interested :)

2012 Copyright/Permissions/Disclaimers

All recipes written by me, Joni Marie Newman, unless otherwise noted. Please feel free to refer to or link back to any of my recipes, but please ask for permission, and remember to give credit when reprinting recipes in their entirety. I do provide links to affiliate programs (such as Amazon) in which I receive a small commission for items purchased. I do not provide paid reviews. All reviews done on products or books are of my own unsolicited opinion. On occasion I may receive a book or product to review. I will note when this is the case, but rest assured, it will not affect the authenticity of my review. Thanks!--Joni