Sunday, September 7, 2014

Vegan MoFo VIII, Day 6: Bloody Mary Mix

Bloody Mary Mix from Vegan Food Gifts (page 173.)  Photo by Celine Steen 

Today's recipe is just in time for a Sunday morning hangover cure.  The Bloody Mary.  And it comes to you in the form of a gift from Vegan Food Gifts: More Than 100 Inspired Recipes for Homemade Baked Goods, Preserves, and Other Edible Gifts Everyone Will LoveA book I wrote to bring my two most favorite things in the world (crafting and cooking) together as one.

Bloody Mary Mix
This is a great host or hostess gift, but it does require refrigeration, so keep that in mind!

3 cups (705 ml) tomato juice
1/4 cup (60 ml) lemon juice
1/4 cup (60 ml) lime juice
2 tablespoons (30 ml) vegan Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon (7 g) celery salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (more or less according to taste)
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (more or less according to taste)

Mix all the ingredients together and pour into a bottle or jar.

Yield: 4 cups (940 ml)

Pour into a decorative bottle and affix the following recipe card.


Nicole @ Vegan Nom Noms said...

This looks so good, love me a tasty bloody mary!

Anonymous said...

Love this book!

2012 Copyright/Permissions/Disclaimers

All recipes written by me, Joni Marie Newman, unless otherwise noted. Please feel free to refer to or link back to any of my recipes, but please ask for permission, and remember to give credit when reprinting recipes in their entirety. I do provide links to affiliate programs (such as Amazon) in which I receive a small commission for items purchased. I do not provide paid reviews. All reviews done on products or books are of my own unsolicited opinion. On occasion I may receive a book or product to review. I will note when this is the case, but rest assured, it will not affect the authenticity of my review. Thanks!--Joni