Friday, September 12, 2014

Vegan MoFo VIII, Day 12: Kahlua Ice Cream

Kahlua Ice Cream from 500 Vegan Recipes (page 486)

I'm not gonna talk too much about this recipe...because KAHLUA and ICE CREAM!  I you want to make the sundae as shown, you can use THIS recipe for the cake, then top with your favorite chocolate sauce.

Kahlua Ice Cream
*Gluten Free
Finally, a sweet frozen delight for grown-ups only! Tastes amazing topped with chocolate syrup. There are two methods here. A no cook method and a stove top method. Both yield creamy delicious results. Remember that alcohol does not freeze, so you can keep this for months in the freezer and it will always remain, perfectly scoop-able!

2 cups (470 ml) soy vanilla creamer
2 cups (470 ml) vanilla soymilk
1 cup (235 ml) coffee liqueur, such as Kahlua store-bought or homemade (page XX)
1 cup (200 g) granulated sugar
2 tablespoons (16 g) Instant Clear Jel™ (no cook) or 2 tablespoons (16 g) arrowroot powder (stovetop)

No cook method: Dissolve the Instant Clear Jel into 1/4 cup (60 ml) milk. Mix all ingredients together and follow the directions on your ice cream maker.

Stovetop method: Dissolve arrowroot into 1/4 cup (60 ml) milk.In a pot bring creamer, remaining milk, Kahlua and sugar to a simmer. Add arrowroot mixture to the pot and stir until beginning to thicken. Remove from heat and follow the instructions on your ice cream maker.

Yield: 6 servings


Amey said...

whoa. I've been thinking recently that I need to get some Kahlua and experiment with it more. This sounds sooo good!

Anonymous said...


2012 Copyright/Permissions/Disclaimers

All recipes written by me, Joni Marie Newman, unless otherwise noted. Please feel free to refer to or link back to any of my recipes, but please ask for permission, and remember to give credit when reprinting recipes in their entirety. I do provide links to affiliate programs (such as Amazon) in which I receive a small commission for items purchased. I do not provide paid reviews. All reviews done on products or books are of my own unsolicited opinion. On occasion I may receive a book or product to review. I will note when this is the case, but rest assured, it will not affect the authenticity of my review. Thanks!--Joni