So....just waiting for some final edits and the index to be completed, then I will sign off on the final proof and POOF! It will be available for the world to enjoy.
Don't worry, I will post a few more teasers before the book comes out to whet your appetites!
looks great! i can't wait to buy one :)
Awesome Joni!!
Happy New Year!
I really really like this cover and I can't wait to see it in stores so I can buy it! Oatmeal burgers? Yes please!!!
i love your cooking and your blog. your new book looks great, but i noticed the word "orient" (as in "burgers from the...") in your new book's table of contents, what's up with that? i didn't think people used that word any more. is it a joke. if so, maybe include a "burgers from the occident" section?
I was just about to make a similar comment to the anonymous above - what's up with the orient thing?
I love it!!
I orient thing didn't stand out to me, but its a good point.
With regards to the word Orient...I researched this, as I didn't want to offend, and what I found was that when decribing objects or food or art or the region, the "Orient" is the proper term, for example, an "Oriental Rug." Of course, when referring to people, that would totally be offensive. If anyone out there knows different, I'd be happy to listen...I would never want to be offensive!
It looks wonderful, Joni! I can't wait to get a copy of your book.
This cover is perfect. I absolutely love this version. Way to persevere Joni!
Beautiful! I can't wait!!!
Congrats Joni, that looks beautiful.
Awesome job, Joni! That looks fantabulous! I'm looking forward to a copy.
How exciting!
I love the new cover, Joni! The colours are beautiful and the photo is perfect! Good job!
I'm really excited to get a copy. Great job!
The new cover looks fantastic Joni :D
It looks great!
Really looking forward to this book!!
It looks fabulous, Joni. I can't wait to buy it! I actually came on to see if it was available yet!
i'm so excited for this one, joni! such a great idea, such wonderful recipes! yay!
I love it! Burgers all day! I need this. There just isn't enough easy food to feed the husband. He just keeps eating! hehe
I'm de-lurking to tell you, I love reading your blog, and I have a Barnes and noble gift card burning a hole in my pocket in anticipation of this book!
I have to agree that this cover is the best one! Can't wait to explore more burgers....summer is coming afterall!
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