Friday, November 14, 2008


I have a serious love hate relationship with computers. I love them so much, but they let me down so often. My baby is currently being diagnosed and repaired by the geek squad. Until I get her back I will be working from a tiny little laptop that I am really not that familiar with, so please be patient with me!

Not having a computer does have it's benefits, though. For instance, instead of spending countless hours in front of the monitor, I can actually get some stuff done! Finishing up some final recipes for the burger book, for one. Spending more quality time with the dogs for another!'s a couple of pics to tide you over until the next post:

Taboulleh Burgers

Three Pepper Thai Rice Burgers (Soy & Wheat Free)


Anonymous said...

Uhh, your such a tease! Those burgers look delish!

Anonymous said...

those burgers look soo yummy!!! i've never made my own burgers because i'm lazy. i love morningstar though.

and i know what you mean about computers. i'm on the comp for like 6 hours a day, probably more haha i wouldn't know what to do with it!

Kate said...

I've only been following your blog for a couple of weeks now, and I'm already itching to own that burger book. Everything looks great!

Tami said...

Joni, I'm so sorry about your computer. That sucks.

Thanks for the burger pictures. Can't wait for the book!

Anonymous said...

Erm, where's the recipe for that second burger on the test site??? Slacker!!

2012 Copyright/Permissions/Disclaimers

All recipes written by me, Joni Marie Newman, unless otherwise noted. Please feel free to refer to or link back to any of my recipes, but please ask for permission, and remember to give credit when reprinting recipes in their entirety. I do provide links to affiliate programs (such as Amazon) in which I receive a small commission for items purchased. I do not provide paid reviews. All reviews done on products or books are of my own unsolicited opinion. On occasion I may receive a book or product to review. I will note when this is the case, but rest assured, it will not affect the authenticity of my review. Thanks!--Joni