Thanks for all of your entries! chose the following winners:

#36 Cookie said... Yay! I want to win!
November 14, 2009 6:12 AM

#108 Paola said... Im delighted at the thought of winning this book! The fact that you have been so kind as to offer to ship international makes this free giveaway even more exciting!Thank u so much for this opportunity, this is one amazing book!Best Regards,Paola from the UK ;)
November 15, 2009 12:56 AM
Cookie and Paola...CONGRATS!!! Please send me an email with your mailing address so I can send these out to you!
To the rest, stay tuned, there are bound to be more giveaways soon!
*There were (233) total responses from blogger, and I had to add in the entries (6) from my facebook account, since my blog feeds directly there, so I added those 6 entries (plus the (1) entry received on the 500 Vegan Recipes blog) in at the exact time they were entered, and then counted in order from the first entry.
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