I am super excited to announce that I will again be participating in the Vegan Month of Food. I have participated since the very first year, and so much has happened since then! So many amazing vegan cookbooks and products and restaurants and even a Vegan Blogging Conference have transpired since the inaugural year.
For this year, instead of a theme, I am going to follow a weekly schedule for my posts:
Mash Up Monday:
Combing ingredients/flavors that wouldn't normally go together. A special post will be made on October 15th in conjunction with Blog Action Day and the theme for this year is "The action of WE." And I feel that topic is easily adaptable to the vegan movement as well.
Two for Tuesday:
Two recipes using the same main ingredients.
Worknight Wednesday:
Recipes thst are quick and easy, or utilize leftovers for easy worknight meals, or meals that make enough for perfect next day lunches.
Thoughtful Thursdays:
Vegan book reviews.
Freedom Fridays:
Anything I want!
Saturdays and Sundays:
Bonus posts, nothing scheduled, but if I'm up for it, I will post.
I am so looking forward to this year's event, as hundreds of blogs are participating and Vegan MoFo International Headquarters will be doing daily round ups, giveaways, and providing us will an amazing RSS feed of all of the participants.
Can't wait! I'm so psyched to MoFo again!
See you soon!!
Vegan Fazool Blog :-)
Love it! Can't wait to read along! I love MoFo
so glad you'll be blogging joni!!!
<3 <3
hmmm......i think the best gifts have been these random babycakes vegan gluten free cookies that have happened a few times now, from a manager at hubby's work. she is a newish vegan and really trying & she continues to keep it up. i feel so inspired that she is embracing the lifestyle, and she is out walking & now jogging, nearly every single day. while some newbie vegans (in his workplace as well) seem to preach preach preach, and then don't have the type of lasting vegan power, to keep it up during stress and eat really bad meat stuffs. this new, gifting, babycakes cook, seems to have armed herself with knowledge that one needs good vegan "junk food" or at least comfort stuffs, to stick it out all the time. just so tickled when peeps go vegan........
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